Product Name : MECOBALAMIN

Molecular Formula :C63 H 91 CoN13 O14P

Molecular Weight :1344.38

Synonyms :Vitamin B 12, methylcobalamin, Cyanocobalamin, Cobalamin

CAS No : 13422-55-4

Sr. No. Test Specifications
1 Description Dark red crystals or crystalline powder
2 Solubility Sparingly soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethanol and practically insoluble in Acetonitrile
3 Identification

By Chemical

Compare the spectrum obtained with the test solution. Both spectra exhibit similar intensities of absorption at the same wavelengths.
The test should be Positive (the red colour does not disappear after adding 0.5 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid).
4 Clarity and color of solution (0.2%w/v solution in water) The solution should be clear and red colour.
5 Related substances (By HPLC)
Individual impurity

Total impurities

Not more than 0.5

Not more than 2.0
6 Water (By KF, %w/w) Not more than 12.0
7 Assay (By HPLC, %w/w OAB) Not less than 98.0
Copyright Anuja Healthcare Limited